Content Creation Services (1 Hour)


Are you a small business owner or a new entrepreneur that needs help creating content for social media?

Starting a new business can be tough and expensive.

Most photographers and cinematographers charge $100+ an hour. (Usually a few hundred an hour).

This is out of most people’s budget, especially when you aren’t profitable yet.

Unlike them- my services start at $48 an hour.

So how does this work?

Well we can film on your phone, or my iPhone pro, or both.

I have the necessary equipment if needed.

Most Importantly…

Most photographers and cinematographers haven’t studied marketing and sales like I have.

That’s what you’re making content for: to create value so you can make more sales.

After you get an hour or more, I will send you an email to schedule pre-appointment call.

Then I LISTEN to your idea to ensure a satisfactory service.

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